If you would like to give toward the Building Project, you may use any of the following options:
For checks, please put “Capital Campaign” in the memo line. With PayPal, please select the “Building Capital Campaign” option. If you are giving through the PayPal Giving Fund, please contact treasurer@jpbc.org to designate your gift.
Thank you for your generosity! Please note the following as you decide which giving method is best for you:
Cash or Check. You may mail to the church, place in the church office, or give during a service.
Mail to: JPBC Treasurer
2505 Jefferson Park Ave
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Bill Pay. Many banks provide a free bill-pay service where they will mail a check to the church according to the schedule you provide. This is a great way to automate regular giving without transaction costs. Contact your bank to set this up using the above mailing address.
PayPal. Convenient option if you’d like to use your existing PayPal account, credit, or debit card. You can also set up recurring payments through your PayPal account. If you are using PayPal to give toward the building project, please select the “Building Capital Campaign” option.
Per transaction fee: 2.2% + $0.30
PayPal Giving Fund. PayPal disburses donations to their “Giving Fund” on a monthly basis to the organization they were designated for. The provided link takes you to JPBC’s Giving Fund page, and will designate those funds to us. PayPal covers all transaction fees and these donations remain tax-deductible. However, recurring gifts cannot be automated at this time. If you are giving to the building project through the PayPal Giving Fund, please contact treasurer@jpbc.org to designate your gift.