

We strive to let the word of God take center place in our worship. The sermons focus on a particular passage of Scripture and normally work through books of the Bible week by week. The rest of the service is organized around the sermon to lead us in praise, thanksgiving, and confession as we read, pray, and sing God’s word together. We sing a blend of songs and hymns, selected for their theology and enduring value.

Kids: See our Children’s page to learn more about what’s offered during the service.

Parking: Usually plenty is available. Note that there’s a 2nd lot behind the church if the front lot is full.


  • Nursing Mothers. A separate room with video-feed is available. Please see the nursery hostess if you have any questions about this.

  • Wheel Chairs. The Main Hall is wheel chair accessible with no steps between it and the front parking lot. We also have an aisle of chairs which can be arranged as needed to accommodate wheel chairs and other needs.

  • Spanish Translation. Headsets are available just inside the front entrance for this throughout the service.

  • American Sign Language. Translation is available throughout the service in the front right portion of the Main Hall.




This service focuses on corporate prayer. Members pray in turn for the needs of the body, evangelistic opportunities, and missions work throughout the world. We also hear testimonies and ministry updates and conclude with either a devotional or topical teaching.